Illegal Drugs - Assignment
Drugs can alter the way your body functions and the way you feel. There are no controls on what illegal drugs contain - you never really know what you're getting. A range of reactions to drugs can be unexpected, unwelcome and in some cases, fatal. The effects can depend on many factors such as how much you've eaten, your body type or what drug or drugs you have taken.
Why are illegal drugs dangerous?
Illegal drugs aren't good for anyone, but they are particularly bad for a kid or teen whose body is still growing. Illegal drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other important organs. Cocaine, for instance, can cause a heart attack — even in a kid or teen. While using drugs, a person is also less able to do well in school, sports, and other activities. It's often harder to think clearly and make good decisions. People can do dumb or dangerous things that could hurt themselves (or other people) when they use drugs.
What are some illegal drugs?
· Heroin
· Cocaine
· Marijuana
· Ecstasy
· Methamphetamines (say: meh-tham-feh-tuh-meenz)
To Do! This assignment is to be completed at home. Pick one of the following illegal drugs and write a one page report. There are some links to get you started.
These reports are due in one week. All reports will be placed on the classroom information wall.
Miss Byrne.
Quit - Media and Smoking
Watch this ad from You Tube. Is drinking too much alcohol good for your image and health?
So does the media and sporting events support drug use?
The media plays a large role in educating people about drug use. Government bodies produce ads on television educating people about the risks of drug use.
Most of you will have seen at least one ad associated with smoking. How does the media help educate people about the dangers of smoking? Watch this video from You Tube. It contains many smoking ads rolled into one.
To Do! Did you find this ad confronting? Sometimes people use "shock" or "scare" tactics to get their message across. Do you think it is effective? Participate in the class discussion.
Next blog we are going to move away from legal drugs and look at illegal drugs,
Miss Byrne.
Caffeine - Song Lyrics and Poems
Why is a large amount of caffeine toxic to the body? Write either a rap song or poem about why it is dangerous for children to drink excess amounts of caffeine based drinks.
6B has worked hard on putting together their song lyrics and poems. Here are a few examples of the students work. These examples were selected by the students.
This blog would be controlled by the students in 6B. There would be a vote on three/four song lyrics or poems to be added to the page.
Until Next Time,
6B and Miss Byrne.
Is caffeine a drug?
Yes! Caffeine is a drug. It is a stimulant drug meaning that it makes the central nervous system speed up the messages to and from the brain. Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It's also produced artificially and added to certain foods. Coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks and chocolate all contain caffeine. So, if you drink coffee, tea, cola or indulge in the occasional piece of chocolate, then you're using a drug.
How is caffeine bad for you?
· Highly addictive
· Causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if we stop drinking it suddenly
· Can reduce fertility by damaging sperm.
· Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it causes a person to wee more.
· Increase your risk of osteoporosis later on in life.
· Causes the body to lose calcium
So is it safe to consume caffeine? Check this out!
Moderation is the key! Caffeine is usually thought to be safe in moderate amounts. Experts consider 200–300 mg of caffeine a day to be a moderate amount for adults. For teenagers no more than 100mg is recommended.
Have a look at the following guide. These are the average amounts of caffeine in each product.
Coca Cola (356ml) = 34mg
Chocolate Milk (227ml) = 5mg
Diet Coke (365ml) = 45mg
Cold Relief Medicine (1 tablet) = 30mg
Dark Chocolate (28g) = 20mg
Milk Chocolate (28g) = 6mg
Red Bull (236ml) = 80mg
Iced Tea (340ml) = 70mg
Brewed Coffee (142ml) = 115mg
Monster Energy Drink (454ml) = 160mg
Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Soft Drink Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest (converted to Australian measurements).
To Do! Answer the following questions…
If I had a 365ml Diet Coke at morning tea and 84g of dark chocolate at dinner, what is my daily intake of caffeine (in mg)? Is that within the normal range for adults? Is this within the normal range for teenagers?
If I had two Monster energy drinks how much would I be exceeding the normal range?
Adults =
Teenagers =
To Do! Do you like energy drinks? If so read this report “Kids addicted to caffeine in a can” located at
Why is a large amount of caffeine toxic to the body? Write either a rap song or poem about why it is dangerous for children to drink excess amounts of caffeine based drinks.
To Do! Visit and write one or two sentences on ‘where did caffeine come from?’
Visit some of these websites…
Next time we will upload some of the best lyrics and poems to the blog…
Miss Byrne.
Emphysema and Gangrene
After compiling together our research and descriptions of emphysema and gangrene the class has completed the To Do! task from a previous lesson.
This would be an area of the blog controlled by students. Therefore the students would be responsible for posting to this blog.
Again, this would be an area of the blog controlled by students. The students would be responsible for posting to this blog.
Until Next Time,
Last blog I mentioned that alcohol and tobacco were legal drugs for people 18 years and over. Many people drink alcohol to socialise with friends, have fun or celebrate an occasion such as a birthday and to relax. For other people alcohol helps with boredom and in many cases makes them forget their worries.
If I drink too much alcohol what can happen?
Like many other drugs the effects of alcohol may vary from person to person. Alcohol is a depressant drug meaning it slows the time it takes to respond to things. There are both short term and long term effects of drinking alcohol.
Short term effects…
Vomiting and memory loss.
Injury to yourself.
Alcohol poisoning.
Long term effects…
Physical and psychological dependence on alcohol e.g. addiction.
Significant damage to the brain and liver.
Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat or oesophagus.
Possible increased risk of heart problems.
Emotional and mental health problems developing, such as depression and anxiety.
Problems at school, work and with relationships.
In Australia alcohol is a major cause of injury and death among young people. People who drink alcohol unsafely can lose friends, put themselves in dangerous situations like drink driving and increase the chance of acting violently.
To Do! Visit and read the information about alcohol and alcohol consumption. In class over the next week we will have a debate about the pros and cons of consuming alcohol. This information might help you with your argument.
When a person drinks alcohol their ability to make decisions is impaired. People who are under the influence of alcohol whilst driving are a serious concern. They are putting not only their lives in danger but many other people’s lives at risk. Driving while over the alcohol limit is illegal. If caught you will be fined, gain demerit points and may even lose your licence.
To Do! Click on the following link and answer these questions.
What are the three blood alcohol limits?
What is the legal limit for P plate (provisional one and two) drivers?
Who does the 0.05 limit apply to?
What is one way of getting home safely after consuming alcohol?
If your blood alcohol concentration is 0.15 what is the risk of being in a crash?
1. Double the risk
2. 7 times the risk
3. 25 times the risk
Until Next Time,
Miss Byrne.
Tobacco and Smoking
Both alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs in Australia for people over the age of 18. Smoking and drinking alcohol is illegal for anyone under the age of 18.
Why do people smoke?
In the past many smokers started at a young age and many smokers were unaware of the risks associated with smoking. Peer pressure, because it was cool, smoking was acceptable anywhere and the fact that people could buy packets of 5 or 10 cigarettes were all reasons why people started to smoke.
Also some of the chemicals in cigarettes affect the brain making a person feel alert or calm, in other words smoking can change a person’s mood. The more people smoke, the more they feel the need to smoke. It becomes an addiction. Visit the website below for more information…
Smoking and Tobacco
Did you know… in 2006 smoking caused over 5000 deaths in NSW! Smoking can cause many types of cancer in the body including lung and throat cancer. There are nearly 4000 chemicals in a cigarette. At least 43 ingredients of cigarettes are carcinogenic meaning they can cause cancer.
Visit to see some of the toxic ingredients in cigarettes and what else they are used for.
Smoking can make your teeth and fingers go yellow. Smokers can smell strongly of smoke and their skin can go dull and grey. Smoking can also lead to emphysema and gangrene.
To Do! Research emphysema or gangrene on the internet and write a short description of either condition. Include a visual image if you can find one. As a class we will compose a final copy of both diseases and post them on the blog!
But I don’t smoke!
Even if you don’t smoke breathing in other people’s smoke can have a negative impact on your health. Known as passive smoking, it can cause bronchitis, asthma, increase your chances of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and other lung disorders.
ART ATTACK! Design a poster for young people about smoking and how smoking can have a negative impact on your life. Use the websites above to guide you.
More are listed below.
Next time we will look at alcohol,
Miss Byrne.
Personal Health Choices - Drugs
What are drugs?
Drugs are substances that affect the normal way that a person’s mind or body works. There are two types of drugs:
- Legal
- Illegal
Today we are going to look at legal drugs. At some point in your life you are likely to have taken a legal drug. Legal drugs are any drug you can buy over the counter at the chemist or obtain with a prescription from your doctor. Examples of legal drugs are painkillers, flu medicine, antibiotics and daily medications such as asthma puffers.
- Can you list some specific legal drugs? Find a friend to complete the following task. Design a mind map listing all the legal drugs you can think of. Click on some of these links to help you complete today's task.
a) legal drugs are the correct price
b) they are good quality
c) who can use them is clearly specified.
Just because a drug is legal, does not mean that it is safe to abuse. Some of the most dangerous drugs are legal drugs and they can be extremely difficult and painful to come off if you become addicted. If you are unwell with the flu or an infection legal drugs when taken correctly can assist you in your recovery. It is important to always seek medical advice before taking a legal drug. Advice from your pharmacist or doctor is recommended.
What is addiction?
People who use drugs often can become addicted. This means they are hooked on a drug or many drugs and are unable to stop taking them. There are different names for addiction including hooked, substance abuse, drug abuse or alcohol abuse.
So what about alcohol and tobacco... are they legal drugs? Find out in the next blog!
Miss Byrne.
Test your knowledge...
1. What does PD stand for?
a) personal development
b) people development
c) health
2. What is included in PD?
a) values and decision making
b) communication skills and relationships
c) self awareness and self understanding
d) all of the above
3. What does H stand for?
a) happy
b) health
c) healing
4. What does PE stand for?
a) personal experience
b) physical exercise
c) physical education
5. What is included in PE?
a) games, dance, gymnastics, competitions
b) gymnastics, dance, sleeping
c) dance, meditation
d) games, dance, sport and gymnastics
Next time we will start our first unit of work -
Miss Byrne.
PD/H/PE - What is it? Why do we learn it?
Welcome 6B to our PD/H/PE Blog Spot!
The PD/H/PE Blog Spot is a place you can visit regularly at school and home. It will have information and activities to complete for our PD/H/PE units of work over the year.
Over time you will work collaboratively to help maintain and add entries, making our blog an online wealth of information.
Don’t worry if you have never “blogged” before! It is easy and not to mention fun.
What is it? Why do we need to learn it?
What does PD stand for?
PD stands for Personal Development! PD can focus on many things in relation to the development of person. This includes self awareness, self understanding, self esteem, values and decision making, communication skills and relationships.
What does H stand for?
The H stands for Health! The health section of PD/H/PE teaches you how to practice a healthy lifestyle. Topics like road safety, drug education, nutrition and why we need to exercise regularly are components to the health section of PD/H/PE.
What does PE stand for?
PE stands for Physical Education! This is where you get to participate in hands-on activities. PE lessons include dancing, games, sport and gymnastics. They promote wellbeing and are fantastic in helping your body feel and look great!
Until Next Time,
Miss Byrne.