
6B and Miss Byrne would like to welcome you to our blog. We hope you enjoy our units of work over the year. Our first subject is Drug Use. We hope you find all the information helpful. Please feel free to drop into the classroom and see some of the students work which can not be placed on the blog.


Tobacco and Smoking

Are they legal drugs?
Both alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs in Australia for people over the age of 18. Smoking and drinking alcohol is illegal for anyone under the age of 18.

Why do people smoke?
In the past many smokers started at a young age and many smokers were unaware of the risks associated with smoking. Peer pressure, because it was cool, smoking was acceptable anywhere and the fact that people could buy packets of 5 or 10 cigarettes were all reasons why people started to smoke.

Also some of the chemicals in cigarettes affect the brain making a person feel alert or calm, in other words smoking can change a person’s mood. The more people smoke, the more they feel the need to smoke. It becomes an addiction. Visit the website below for more information…


Smoking and Tobacco
Did you know… in 2006 smoking caused over 5000 deaths in NSW! Smoking can cause many types of cancer in the body including lung and throat cancer. There are nearly 4000 chemicals in a cigarette. At least 43 ingredients of cigarettes are carcinogenic meaning they can cause cancer.

Visit http://home.honolulu.hawaii.edu/~pine/Phil110/cig-contents.html to see some of the toxic ingredients in cigarettes and what else they are used for.


Smoking can make your teeth and fingers go yellow. Smokers can smell strongly of smoke and their skin can go dull and grey. Smoking can also lead to emphysema and gangrene.

To Do! Research emphysema or gangrene on the internet and write a short description of either condition. Include a visual image if you can find one. As a class we will compose a final copy of both diseases and post them on the blog!

But I don’t smoke!
Even if you don’t smoke breathing in other people’s smoke can have a negative impact on your health. Known as passive smoking, it can cause bronchitis, asthma, increase your chances of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and other lung disorders.

ART ATTACK! Design a poster for young people about smoking and how smoking can have a negative impact on your life. Use the websites above to guide you.

More are listed below.


Next time we will look at alcohol,

Miss Byrne.

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